Slice me nice - business classy glamour party

for you who can't wait until may; I've recieved the honour to dj at
slice me nice - business classy glamour party the 21st of feb at nalen club, superexcited! ^^ it's gonna be a glamouros evening in pure yuppie spirit and I'll make sure to play some fantastic italo as well as some awesome space ofc so make sure not to miss out! here's an old mix to get you excited, wether it's for 
Slice me nice , STHLM ITALO DISCO PARTY -15 or well, just getting excited and dancing around at home! ^^ hope you're into it:
you're my disco mixtape (if you like it you still have a chance to download it! :))
hope to see you there! ^^ <3


our amazing poster for STHLM ITALO DISCO PARTY -15 is now done! ^^ and we've already sold almost a third of our tickets! crazy! don't miss out on this amazing event with a once in a lifetime line-up, it's going to be such an awesome weekend aaah can't wait!! :D (and don't forget that we will also ofc have some amazing dj's as well! myself aka discokatze included ofc ;) heh)
 if you want to you can also support us by liking us on facebook or buying one of our awesome tees or a totebag here (more new designs to come shortly!) :)
see you in may! <3

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