Slice me nice - business classy glamour party

for you who can't wait until may; I've recieved the honour to dj at
slice me nice - business classy glamour party the 21st of feb at nalen club, superexcited! ^^ it's gonna be a glamouros evening in pure yuppie spirit and I'll make sure to play some fantastic italo as well as some awesome space ofc so make sure not to miss out! here's an old mix to get you excited, wether it's for
Slice me nice , STHLM ITALO DISCO PARTY -15 or well, just getting excited and dancing around at home! ^^ hope you're into it:
you're my disco mixtape (if you like it you still have a chance to download it! :))
hope to see you there! ^^ <3

our amazing poster for STHLM ITALO DISCO PARTY -15 is now done! ^^ and we've already sold almost a third of our tickets! crazy! don't miss out on this amazing event with a once in a lifetime line-up, it's going to be such an awesome weekend aaah can't wait!! :D (and don't forget that we will also ofc have some amazing dj's as well! myself aka discokatze included ofc ;) heh)
if you want to you can also support us by liking us on facebook or buying one of our awesome tees or a totebag here (more new designs to come shortly!) :)
see you in may! <3

my baby STHLM ITALO DISCO PARTY is going all in this year!
Held here in Stockholm, Sweden.
We'll be open from 18-02 both days!
Vince 'Scotch' Lancini
Stefano Brignoli/Brand Image
Annie Anner
Linda Jo Rizzo
Ken Laszlo
DJ Galliano
Sadomasodisco, (
Slice me nice
(more tba)
Vince 'Scotch' Lancini
Stefano Brignoli/Brand Image
Annie Anner
Linda Jo Rizzo
Ken Laszlo
DJ Galliano
Sadomasodisco, (
Slice me nice
(more tba)
you can buy your tickets here :)
(you will also be able to buy 1-day tickets soon)
hope to see you in may! <3 ^^
over and out//
hope to see you in may! <3 ^^
over and out//
They said that breaking up was hard to do, but not for someone quite as cold as you

And all my world was only you my love

My very talented friend Kristian Conde (havin fun @ Sthlm Italo Disco Party on the picture) most known for the italo-classic Dolce vita, has now together with TQ made a new reload version of it! Check it out:
and that's not the only thing he's been up to lately. Earlier this year he released a new maxi-single: Forbidden Game/It's a Dream (links below).
He was also recently on tour with DJ Ian Nguyen in several countries where he performed with both TQ and Linda Jo Rizzo (one of my personal favorites).
And on top of all that, he was still kind enough to squeeze in a visit to Sweden to support my baby: STHLM ITALO DISCO PARTY
Go show him some love and like him on facebook <3
Check out Forbidden Game+It´s a Dream:
Over and out//
I like to dream of you and never wake up

Almost time!

Just in case anyone have happened to have miss or, lord have mercy, forgotten about this amazing event, it's almost time! I'm super stressed out but too excited too care, been wanting to do this kind of event for as long as I can remember and now it's finally happening! ^^ Dj Herman can't be there because of personal reasons which is really sad, but instead we'll have the super talented Peet Neet! Be there or be square, not many of the limited 2-day tickets left so grab one while you can! At Nalen Klubb on friday us dj's will be pumping out the best italodisco to make you dance like never before and on saturday all of our amazing artists will perform (and also some dj'ing from all of us that night as well!) for only 375sek you get entry both days and for 295sek just saturday,
buy your tickets here .
You can also look good and support us at the same time by buying one of our awesome t-shirts
...or you can just like us on facebook
more info about the event here
...or you can just like us on facebook
more info about the event here
Hope to see you all at Nalen, gonna be a frickin awesome weekend of awesomeness! ^^
Over and out// Discokatze/Sadomasodisco <3
Over and out// Discokatze/Sadomasodisco <3
Are you afraid to meet a lonely night?

Baby come back to you

Reality, hits you like a burning desire

It's knocking and I can't stop

C'c'c'c'come on

You don't love me but I love you

Be mine, oh please be mine tonight

She put a spell on you

He must be crazy

Flash in the night for you


For you and me

'Cause I want to be free, 'cause I want you with me