And all my world was only you my love

My very talented friend Kristian Conde (havin fun @ Sthlm Italo Disco Party on the picture) most known for the italo-classic Dolce vita, has now together with TQ made a new reload version of it! Check it out:
and that's not the only thing he's been up to lately. Earlier this year he released a new maxi-single: Forbidden Game/It's a Dream (links below).
He was also recently on tour with DJ Ian Nguyen in several countries where he performed with both TQ and Linda Jo Rizzo (one of my personal favorites).
And on top of all that, he was still kind enough to squeeze in a visit to Sweden to support my baby: STHLM ITALO DISCO PARTY
Go show him some love and like him on facebook <3
Check out Forbidden Game+It´s a Dream:
Over and out//
I like to dream of you and never wake up