I can make the pain disappear
Fear of tigers, I barely even know what to write more than that this dudes music is so effin good it hurts, soooo... uhm.. let's just leave it at that and I'll let you have a listen for yourselves:
Best part is you can get his fantastic album Cossus Snufsigalonica for the fabulous price of.... NOTHING! And you can do so here, now! Get it!
Don't forget to also check out his myspace and show him some love!
Good stuff. I think you might also like <a href="http://sidhe.bandcamp.com/">Sidhe's soundtrack for the computer game Shatter at Bandcamp</a>.
I love it and it's free to download as well.
Apparently my html tagging was a failure. Here's the link to Sidhe again:
Jag laddade ner albumet från RapidShare, nu försökte jag ladda ner det igen när jag var på jobbet men då sa jävla kuk RapidShare att man inte får ladda ner den längre om man inte betalar Premium. Jag gillar inte att betala för någonting, tur att jag hann ladda ner det innan! Satan va fantastisk "I Can Make The Pain Disappear" var! Jag behöver verkligen någon som kan lindra mitt lidande just nu, och det gjorde den verkligen!
Like Fexxe said, I can't download the album anymore, I was too slow! D: D: D: