Put the glasses on! Put 'em on!

I live, the blog lives, They live, (1988)
You see them on the street. You watch them on TV. You might even vote for one this fall. You think they're people just like you. You're wrong. Dead wrong.
Nada (Roddy Piper) shows up in the big city looking for work and a place to stay. He finds a job at a construction site and through a co-worker he also finds a place to crash. One day he comes across a pair of sunglasses who changes everything. With them on what used to be regular billboards and magazines are now empty of content, instead they give orders about obedience. And not everyone looks.. human, anymore.
A political sci-fi filled with one-liners, great acting, neverending ammo and cheesy goodness, by none other than John Carpenter.
Truly a great, smart and fun movie with one of the most weird/awesome fightscenes ever. And if that isn't enough for you just check out Roddy's mullet, it's fantastic.

Peace out//
Jag såg den kväll, den fightscenen var precis som du skrev något utöver det vanliga!
Jag kände mej kulturellt berikad av att se den här, den gav nämligen förklaring till två favoriter jag haft sen länge men ändå inte vetat någonting om att det fanns en film som hette "They live". Dels gatukonstfenomenet "Obey ginat" en av de första klistermärkesklottrarna som nu på senare år anses vara skitfin konst som den lyckade medelkasssen kan sätta upp på väggarna. Men också Armand van heldens musikvideo till "Into your eyes". Jag känner mej lite korkad som har diggat den musikvideon i många år och ändå inte fattat att den är en pastiche på en gammal film.
Tack för att du talar om vilka filmer vi ska se, tack för att du har så jävla bra smak!
"I'm come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass, and i'm all out of bubblegum."
Would also like to recommend the movie "Videodrome" from 1983, if your havent seen it.
Truly a weird and scary movie. All 80's style!
From the director who brought us eXistenZ and Naked Lunch (Based on William S. Burruoghs book).
yep seen it, I've actually planned an upcomin entry about it already yo!