Je t'aime Danger
Hett tips till er alla, ingen mindre än Danger kommer äntligen tillbaks till Sverige! Varit snack om detta i månader och var nästintill att man tvivlade på att det skulle bli av, men nu är datum äntligen satt och den 17e oktober så är det dags! Och efter mina egna erfarenheter av hans spelningar kan jag lätt säga att det inte kan bli annat än laserbra. Denna spelning känns dessutom lite extra fin då Danger spenderat september i studion och man förmodligen kan förvänta sig att höra nytt material. Festen ordnas av basscamp (som i juli tillsammans med All Out Dubstep styrde upp en fest i Malmö med bl.a Digital mystikz).
Full info om detta kan ni hitta här.

funky fresh teaser:
Danger Japan Tour 2009
och för er som sedan tidigare, av någon anledning, inte skulle vara bekanta med Danger:
Köpa hans musik kan ni bl.a göra här.
Sist men inte minst, be there or be square!
Über und raus//
Full info om detta kan ni hitta här.

funky fresh teaser:
Danger Japan Tour 2009
och för er som sedan tidigare, av någon anledning, inte skulle vara bekanta med Danger:
Köpa hans musik kan ni bl.a göra här.
Sist men inte minst, be there or be square!
Über und raus//
Ol' fav
My computer broke down a while ago, it's still very dodgy, but I'm doing the best I can. Anywho.....

Let's all just bashdance the shit out of eachother to this awesome track:
Get this: Class of nuke'em high minimix
Check this out: fckn crew myspace
über und raus//

Let's all just bashdance the shit out of eachother to this awesome track:
Get this: Class of nuke'em high minimix
Check this out: fckn crew myspace
über und raus//
A little bit of energon and a lot of luck
Ugh, my head is about to implode, so todays musictip is going to be a bit floaty... and very 80s.
Tada: Futurecop! are 26 year -old Manzur Qbal and Peter Caroll. Their music is dreamy-totally80's-synth-pop.
And need I say that it's totally awesome. My writingskills are not really coping with me atm, so I'll just end this and let you listen for yourselves, you can find their songs over here and also listen to a couple of them on spotify (I really recommend As seen on tv, a bit of a personal favorite).
Oh, and also check out their myspace. And play the song below every morning when you wake up. And dance. And... that's about it.
Über und raus//
Je suis en vie à mort la mort jusqu'ici!
I must say I've never been that much of a Yelle-fan, it just feels like there's always something missing in her music. But some of the remixes people have made from her music is just pure awesomeness.
For instance Tepr's remix of A cause des garçons. But that's not the remix I was going to write about today. The true remix of awesomeness in this post is the one Rolf Honey made of Tristesse joie. I know this song isn't all that new or anything, but I myself actually kinda missed it until just a couple of months ago, so I thought, maybe someone else did as well, but not anymore!
You can find the song over here, oh and here's an awesome video to it as well.

Also check out Rolf Honey's myspace:
Über und raus//
For instance Tepr's remix of A cause des garçons. But that's not the remix I was going to write about today. The true remix of awesomeness in this post is the one Rolf Honey made of Tristesse joie. I know this song isn't all that new or anything, but I myself actually kinda missed it until just a couple of months ago, so I thought, maybe someone else did as well, but not anymore!
You can find the song over here, oh and here's an awesome video to it as well.

Also check out Rolf Honey's myspace:
Über und raus//