Stuck on repeat

Aussie guy Shazam from Perth has made a remix so good it hurts, I've had it stuck on repeat constantly for the last couple of days. This song totally breaks my heart, but in a good way. Have a listen:

Check out his myspace here


Lights over LA

Straight outta Phoenix, Arizona:

Head on over to their myspace to hear some more!


Come with me and take the train


I feel that by now this guy doesn't need an introduction, yep, it's none other than Danger, who's back with a new great track, have a listen:

Cred to Tobias over at dödselectro for putting this awesome video together.
And here's a teaser for Danger's 3rd EP:

So. Awesome. Can't wait to hear more! The EP is being released on vinyle january 25th and then as digital february 1st.
Oh and just in case you forgot, here's a link to his myspace for the twentyleventh time ;)



Just one more thing:

Great as always, show them some love here 

Peace out//

Maniac pop

Today it's all about Mille, this swedish dude makes music so good and dreamish that you just wanna close your eyes and dance to it. Have a listen:

Seriously, what's up with the Mowgli's road remix? Haven't been able to get it out of my head for.. I don't even know how long anymore, it's totally addictive!
If you're into it don't forget to check out his myspace and show the guy some love, and if you're really into it you can pre-order the 12" release of Crysteena here.

Peace out//

I can make the pain disappear

Fear of tigers, I barely even know what to write more than that this dudes music is so effin good it hurts, soooo... uhm.. let's just leave it at that and I'll let you have a listen for yourselves:

Best part is you can get his fantastic album Cossus Snufsigalonica for the fabulous price of.... NOTHING! And you can do so here, now! Get it!
Don't forget to also check out his myspace and show him some love!


We’ll party, party, p-party

New remix from Danger, yay! Lil Jon feat. Kee - Give it all you got (Danger beach remix), which you can listen to (and also download) here. Been listening to it for a couple of days now and it's just getting better and better, love it.


A fox is a wolf who sends flowers

I'm back! Well sort of, today I'm bringing you sum foxy mexican electro from the duo KRY-LON:

If you're into it run along over to their myspace and show them some love.

Peace out//

Owl vision

Owl vision is a swedish electro producer from Gothenburg who creates great trashy beats for us all to dance our asses of to, have a listen:

If you're into it don't forget to check out his myspace where you can listen to the teaser of his upcoming album Leprozy, get some tracks, buy a t-shirt or just show him some old-fashioned love. And here's a lil' tip as well, the 25th of december Owl vision is doing a live-set @ Storan in Gothenburg hosted by Club milk.

Peace out//


If you're into it I have good news, you can download his debut EP Super motives for free here! And while you're at it don't forget to check out his myspace as well,

I'll be back//

Who the fuck is HAEZER?

Well, HAEZER is a producer from South-Africa that I've been planning to make an entry about for quite some time now. I actually came across his music quite randomly a couple of months ago, I think it might even have been randomly browsing on youtube of all places. His sound is a mix with hints of a lot of things, but most of all I would say it's frickin dirty-ass electro of goodness, just the way I like it.

Dash over to his myspace and show some love etc.

Live long and prosper//

If we slept together...

Disco is dead

DEAD DISCO DRIVERS, another masked duo hits the stage!
I'm finding it quite funny that you can almost decide just from hearing the music if people are sporting masks or not, there's just something in the sound, or maybe I'm just gifted. Anyways, these two awesome guys are from Belgium, have a listen and enjoy!

If you like it you can find some tunes through here, and don't forget to show them some love!

Peace out//

Danger @ Skyddsrummet

Okej tänkte skriva en liten recension angående Dangers spelning i lördags.
Det var inte bra. Utrustningen verkade inte klara av volymen och därav lät det alldeles brusigt, konstigt och alldeles för högt. Det var på nivån så man ibland inte ens hörde vad det var för låt som spelades och jag har än idag känslan av att ha bomullstussar i öronen. Och visst det blir tryck på spelningar, men det här var rätt löjligt, det stog typ 3 (?) vakter längst fram och det kändes verkligen som att det också var vad dom gjorde, stog. Vilket ledde till att när folk längst fram blev frampushade åt helvete flög dom in i 'dj-bordet' som i sin tur även det flyttades. Till råga på det försvann även videoshowen i ca 15-20 min.
Väldigt tråkigt på något som kunde ha blivit så sjukt bra (mtp Dangers tidigare framträdanden).

Men nåväl, ser ändå framemot fler evenemang och hoppas kritiken Basscamp fått överlag hjälper så att det flyter på bättre nästa gång!
May the force be with you!//

Better than..

Uhm... Check them out and show some love here 

Über und raus//

Back to the Future(cop)!

I know that I've already made posts about Futurecop! and this isn't anything new or so, but this song is now up on youtube and it's still mighty good and it makes me happy so you're going to enjoy damn it!! (and also I'm too tired to deal with anything else right now, sorry, I'll try to better myself)

Go, again, and show them all of your lovin' here

Über und raus//

Toxic is not dead

Hello strangers! Sorry for being so unactive lately, I've been sick n stuff.
Anyways, I had an entry planned for today, but, it didn't work out too well and will unfortunately have to wait.
Instead, here's two remixes, one by and one of The Toxic avenger:

Check out more from and about Toxie here 

Über und raus//

A blast from the past

I've been listening quite a lot to Futurecop!'s We are the future (mix) the last couple o' days, it's a great 40min mix with a couple of golden oldies and some of their songs as well, you can check it out here (you'll also find a tracklist). 
Whether or not you listen to the mix I think you should have a listen to this great mash-up of theirs from the end of it though. 

Anyhow, from the mix I've rediscovered some great old tunes, particullary this one I can't seem to get out of my head, enjoy and let the nostalgia overcome

Über und raus//

I blow a microchip

Sorry I really havn't got time today, here's a cookie:

Über und raus//

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